Quick Weight Loss Program

Who has time for exercise? You do!

Here are some of the most basic workout schedules for quick weight loss:

Basic Fitness Schedule

If you want to burn fat (cardio i.e.; running, swimming, biking, tennis) exercise three days a week for at least 20 mins. (There are ways to do less than 20 minutes, but we'll get to that later) If you need to burn a fair amount of fat then you'll need to (eat low fat foods and...) do up to an hour of cardio a day.

If you are strength training (building muscle i.e.; lifting weights, using your body weight, yoga) do this at least twice a week for 20-30 minutes (which is sufficient) or up to an hour.

A basic schedule looks like this: 
Saturdays are optional for whatever you want to do.

The principle is that if you're lifting heavy weights then you don't need to strength training (T, Th) as much. If done properly you'll feel it the next day (you can also skip the sit-ups in some cases). Aside from cardio, running and Yoga also build muscle (and strength training assists you to burn fat). In some Yoga poses you are supporting 80% of your body weight. So yes doing Yoga burns fat and builds muscle. Win, and win.

So now you know what days you're going to work out how do you do the exercises? 

Sets and Reps

Once you've decided on an exercise how long should you do it for?

A set is comprised of the number of reps (repetitions) you'll lift a weight or how much time will pass while holding a position as in Yoga or Cross Fit.

When holding positions or yoga poses 30 seconds to a minute is good. Challenge yourself and push for a few seconds more or even another 20 to 30 seconds.


The best time to stretch is after you've already worked out.

Hold each stretch for at least 30 seconds. Don't over do your stretch or bounce, just hold the stretch and allow your body to fall into it.

Each and every day that you stretch push a little bit farther and you will notice increased flexibility sooner than you think.

You must hold each stretch for a minimum of 30 seconds to make progress. One stretch in each area is sufficient it's the practice of stretching everyday that counts! 

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