Youtube Fitness Roundup - Holiday Fitness 2013

Resolutions or not if you did a food splurge at all this Christmas, studies have shown the exercise regardless of what you eat helps beat the holiday bulge:

overfeeding and under-activity “induced a reduction in insulin sensitivity in healthy individuals, with significantly altered expression patterns of several key genes and proteins within adipose tissue that are involved in nutritional homeostasis, metabolism and insulin action,” they wrote. Phrased more bluntly, lying around and eating too much messes up your body. No surprise there. But—and this is key—“the inclusion of a daily vigorous-intensity exercise bout attenuated or even prevented these changes independent of any net effect on energy imbalance.” In other words, even if Frank and Tom gain the same amount of weight, Frank’s body may be handling things much better if he’s exercising and Tom’s not.
Study: Exercise Could Be The Key to Mitigating the Christmas Weight Damage

Best Holiday Workouts - Snow is no excuse not to workout!

Consistency is Key - Tracy Anderson explains that you can still enjoy holiday food if you keep exercising and to opt for healthier and organic holiday recipes:
Through the holidays especially, it's really important that you're able to enjoy your friends, your family and food. You need to make sure that you are being consistent with your workout.'

The celebrity trainer goes on to explain that this season is the time to make consistency essential when it comes to lifestyle to avoid the extra weight that can be gained.

Sticking with natural and organic foods when cooking classic Christmas dishes is paramount in enjoying festive meals and maintaining health.

The trainer to the stars revealed: 'The best thing that people can do is, try and make the recipes that you love without using processed foods. Try and make things that are natural and organic to bake with this year.'
Celebrity trainer Tracy Anderson advocates strict fitness regime over holidays to keep the pounds off
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